Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Once again, the Sandman is tardy for his nightly visits
Displacing the long queue of impatient dreams;
Stimulating what's left of a tired mind.
Wearily I wander off into the blankness
Of this empty room
Listening to the croaking of frogs at dawn
Waiting for the downpour.
I watch as my worries fall into place
Filling the recesses
Of this empty room.
Unfailingly, they lift me up from comfort
And send me pulling out words and putting them here.
These pathetic excuses for facing the truth,
Once articulated, seem pointless and empty.
Like those long, mundane tales
Tucking me back into the soft, warm sheets,
And drowning everything in cotton.
Soon the rain sings with the choir of amphibians.
Their song resonates in my restless mind,
Until its waves entwine with mine;
Until it turns into a lullaby;
Until it becomes peace
For this empty room.